Congratulations for making it past my first blog and making it to my second. If I had a cookie I would give it to you. Currently, I am writing from my motel room. I’ve been exposed to many new things today, but most importantly was the information the park ranger gave to me about the Appalachian Mountains. The most important thing I learned from his was about Convergent Boundaries. Mountains are normally formed by convergent boundaries. Convergent boundaries have three main different sub types. These are subduction (ocean under continent), subduction (ocean under ocean) and collision. The first subduction is when ocean crust goes under continental crust. The second type of subduction is when ocean crust goes under ocean crust. Collision, the third type, happens when continental crust runs into continental crust. This happens because one crust is denser than the other, causing it to go under the other. The Appalachian mountains are formed on a subduction boundary.
One other interesting thing that I found about the Appalachian mountains is that a major earthquake is supposed to hit September 4th, 2011. I got this info from this source. I don't know how reliable this source is, but that's pretty scary. Hopefully it doesn't happen.
I’m leaving for dinner in thirty minutes. The park ranger, who’s Canadian, recommended this great Indian restaurant near my motel. I don’t know if their chicken tika masala will be as delicious and succulent as my mama’s, but it’s the closest thing I have to home right now. :(
This is funny but I don't like the ads